Lancaster Gate Hotel, London

Nestled near Hyde Park, Lancaster Gate Hotel offers a tranquil escape amidst the bustling city. Nature lovers will appreciate its proximity to Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens. With its elegant Victorian architecture and cozy rooms, it's a great retreat after a day of exploring the nearby attractions such as Buckingham Palace and the Royal Albert Hall.

Book Lancaster Gate Hotel at



Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens, Kensington Palace, Notting Hill, Portobello Road Market, Little Venice, Abbey Road, Westfield London Shopping Centre, Buckingham Palace, Royal Albert Hall, Science Museum, Natural History Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum, Harrods, and much more.


Halepi, 18 Leinster Terrace, London.
Tajrish Restaurant, 33 Craven Rd, London.
Tukdin, 41 Craven Rd, London.


Little Waitrose, 104-105 Bayswater Rd, London.
London Supermarket, 21 Craven Terrace, London.
Sainsbury's Local, 75 Queensway, London.


Moores Pharmacy, 45 Craven Rd, London.

More in a walking distance

Leinster Gardens False Facades, 24 Leinster Gardens, London.
Whiteleys - shopping mall, 149 Queensway, London.


The information about Lancaster Gate Hotel is provided by Trip.Expert. We recommend verifying the accuracy of the details directly with the hotel. Hotel representative? contact us.

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  66 Lancaster Gate, London W2 3NA, UK
 +44 20 7262 5090
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