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Seville, Spain – 15 Best Things to Do

Country manager @ Trip.Expert
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With a history of more than 2000 years, Seville is magnetizing, thrilling, and eye-catching. Established by the Romans, the city's history is still very present in the culture and especially in architecture. These 15 best things to do in Seville will take you in the lanes of time and exhibit to you the most fascinating and significant places in the captivating capital of Andalusia.

From the majestic Royal Alcázars of Seville and the lovely medieval streets of Santa Cruz to the modern structure Setas de Sevilla and the trendy Triana neighborhood. Each place and every corner in Seville are spellbinding and full of beauty.

With these 15 best things in Seville, you can be confident you will not miss a thing, tour the place and feel for a moment like a local in one of Spain's most exquisite cities.
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A masterpiece of Mudejar, Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque architecture, the Royal Alcázar is a living testament to centuries of Spanish history. This palace complex, still used by the Spanish royal family, is famed for its intricate tilework, lush gardens, and the stunning Patio de las Doncellas. Visit to immerse yourself in the opulence of Seville's regal past.
  Patio de Banderas, s/n, 41004 Sevilla, Spain
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The historic Jewish quarter of Santa Cruz is a labyrinth of narrow streets, charming squares, and whitewashed buildings adorned with colorful tiles. Known for its Moorish influence, it's a romantic neighborhood filled with hidden plazas, flower-filled balconies, and delightful tapas bars. Wander its winding streets to feel the heartbeat of Seville's rich cultural tapestry.
  Santa Cruz, Seville, Seville, Spain
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Plaza de España is a grand architectural masterpiece, showcasing a harmonious blend of Renaissance and Moorish styles. The semicircular building, adorned with bridges over a canal, represents each Spanish province with ceramic tiles. The square is not just an architectural gem but a vibrant space where locals and visitors alike gather to enjoy its beauty.
  Av. Isabel la Católica, 41004 Sevilla, Spain
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Seville's Cathedral, the largest Gothic cathedral in the world, stands on the site of a former mosque. Its soaring arches, ornate chapels, and the Tomb of Christopher Columbus make it a cultural and religious landmark. Climb La Giralda, the former minaret turned bell tower, for panoramic views of the city. The cathedral's sheer grandeur makes it a must-visit.
  Av. de la Constitución, s/n, 41004 Sevilla, Spain
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Once a minaret, La Giralda is now the bell tower of Seville Cathedral. Ascend its ramps, designed for a horse to reach the top, and be rewarded with breathtaking views of Seville. Known for its architectural prowess and historic significance, La Giralda is a symbol of the city and a testament to its multicultural past.
  Av. de la Constitución, s/n, 41004 Sevilla, Spain
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Plaza del Cabildo, adjacent to the Cathedral, is a charming square surrounded by historic buildings. The ambiance is enhanced by outdoor cafes, making it an ideal spot to relax and soak in Seville's atmosphere. The square is a peaceful escape from the bustling tourist areas, offering a glimpse into local life.
  Plaza el Cabildo, 41001 Sevilla, Spain
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Setas de Sevilla, or the Metropol Parasol, is a modern architectural marvel rising above Plaza de la Encarnación. This wooden structure, resembling giant mushrooms, houses an archaeological museum and provides panoramic views of the city. Its contemporary design adds a unique dimension to Seville's historic skyline, making it a fascinating visit for architecture enthusiasts.
  Pl. de la Encarnación, s/n, 41003 Sevilla, Spain
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The Seville Museum of Fine Arts, housed in a former convent, is a treasure trove of Spanish art. From medieval altarpieces to works by Murillo and Velázquez, the collection spans centuries. The museum's elegant courtyards and diverse exhibits make it a cultural haven, offering a comprehensive journey through Spain's artistic evolution.
  Pl. del Museo, 9, 41001 Sevilla, Spain
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The Torre del Oro, or Golden Tower, is an iconic symbol of Seville's maritime history. Built along the Guadalquivir River, its golden tiles once reflected the riches from the New World. Today, it houses a naval museum. Climb to the top for panoramic river views and delve into the city's seafaring past.
  P.º de Cristóbal Colón, s/n, 41001 Sevilla, Spain
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The expansive Parque de María Luisa is Seville's green jewel, offering respite from the city bustle. Famous for its lush gardens, charming fountains, and the Plaza de España, it's an ideal spot for a leisurely stroll or a horse-drawn carriage ride. The park's serene ambiance and architectural wonders make it a must-visit.
  P.º de las Delicias, s/n, 41013 Sevilla, Spain
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A lively square with a rich history, Alameda de Hércules is Seville's oldest public garden. Surrounded by cafes and bars, it's a popular local hangout. The tree-lined promenades, vibrant street art, and a variety of dining options create an eclectic atmosphere. Perfect for both daytime relaxation and nighttime revelry.
  Alameda de Hércules, s/n, 41002 Sevilla, Spain
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The Palacio de las Dueñas is a grand mansion with an illustrious past, once home to the Duchess of Alba. Its stunning architecture, beautiful gardens, and rich tapestries offer a glimpse into aristocratic life. Visitors can wander through opulent rooms, admire the Andalusian courtyards, and imagine the palace's historic tales.
  C. Dueñas, 5, 41003 Sevilla, Spain
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Casa de Pilatos is a splendid example of Sevillian architecture blending Mudejar, Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque styles. This palace, with its ornate tiles, exquisite courtyards, and extensive art collection, showcases the city's cultural diversity. A visit provides insights into Seville's architectural evolution and the opulent lifestyle of its aristocracy.
  Pl. de Pilatos, 1, 41003 Sevilla, Spain
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Triana, located across the river from the city center, is a vibrant neighborhood known for its ceramic workshops, lively markets, and traditional flamenco venues. Explore its colorful streets, visit the Castillo de San Jorge, and immerse yourself in the authentic Andalusian atmosphere. Triana is a cultural hotspot with a rich heritage and a must-visit for those seeking traditional Sevillian experiences.
  Triana, Seville, Spain
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The Hospital de los Venerables, is a baroque 17th-century building that served as a residence for priests. It currently houses the Velázquez Center, dedicated to the famous painter Diego Velázquez. It is located in the Plaza de los Venerables, in the center of the Barrio de Santa Cruz and close to the Murillo Gardens, the Seville Cathedral and Alcázar.

This text is based on a Wikipedia article written by contributors under the CC BY-SA 3.0 license.
  Pl. Venerables, 8, 41004 Sevilla, Spain

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