Beautiful Arezzo, become worldwide famous due to Roberto Benigni, who choose the city as the location for its Oscar-winning movie, “Life is Beautiful” (La vita è bella). When the movie came out, many around the world fell for the enticing ancient Tuscan city, and its lovely architecture and charm.
Founded by the Etruscans, the lovely city is having a splendid medieval square, imposing churches, and outstanding frescos. While gain world famous for Benigni's movie, in Italy, Arezzo is well-known for "Fiera Antiquaria di Arezzo", the Antiques Fair of Arezzo. The fair is considered a main event in the city and take place every first Sunday of the month (and the Saturday before), since 1968
Arezzo kept its special ancient character for centuries and well-preserved its past. Side by side, the city is also vibrant, with plenty of shopping opportunities, wonderful cafés, and excellent restaurants.
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Find a nearby place to stay with Founded by the Etruscans, the lovely city is having a splendid medieval square, imposing churches, and outstanding frescos. While gain world famous for Benigni's movie, in Italy, Arezzo is well-known for "Fiera Antiquaria di Arezzo", the Antiques Fair of Arezzo. The fair is considered a main event in the city and take place every first Sunday of the month (and the Saturday before), since 1968
Arezzo kept its special ancient character for centuries and well-preserved its past. Side by side, the city is also vibrant, with plenty of shopping opportunities, wonderful cafés, and excellent restaurants.
Use Trip.Expert's planner and build your own fantastic travel guide in Arezzo.