Marie-Antoinette's Estate, Versailles

Marie-Antoinette's Estate consists of the Petit Trianon, the English Gardens, and the Queen's hamlet. The Petit Trianon was originally ordered by King Louis XV in 1758. It took more than 10 years to build the winsome new palace that was ready for use in 1768. Following the death of Louis XV in 1774, and the beginning of Louis XVI's regime, the Petit Trianon was given to Queen Marie-Antoinette by her king-husband, and it became her favorite residence. The Queen closely supervised the design of the exceptional nearby English Gardens and the creation of the splendid Queen's hamlet which was established on a bank of a lake. While damaged during the French Revolution, it was Napoleon who wish and succeed to restore the palace and its gardens to the original design during Marie-Antoinette's days.

Today, dedicated to her memory of one of the most known royals in French history, Marie-Antoinette's Estate is the last stop in an entrancing journey in breathtaking Paris. A majestic ending of an unforgettable trip in the City of Lights and love, a place where everyone should visit, at least once in their lifetime.

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  78008 Versailles, France
 +33 1 30 83 78 00
Opening hours
12:00 – 5:30 PM
12:00 – 5:30 PM
12:00 – 5:30 PM
12:00 – 5:30 PM
12:00 – 5:30 PM
12:00 – 5:30 PM
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